A time capsule has just been sealed at the Australian War Memorial that is expected to be opened 100 years from the completion of the development works - let’s hope it won’t be lost or forgotten like some other Canberra time capsules.
The National Archives of Australia is like an enormous scrapbook that captures moments from Australia’s history, culture and inner workings - and readers have ready access to millions of items in the Archives' extensive collection.
It can happen with the loud bang of breaking down walls, a colourful splash at a protest, or through peaceful letter writing. Regardless of whether it burns fast and bright or slow and careful, social change permanently alters the path a culture was heading down. Those that have altered the direction of modern Australia are celebrated in the National Archives of Australia’s newest exhibition Disrupt, Persist, Invent, until 12 June.
Art and nature go hand in hand, encouraging us to take the time to appreciate the small, beautiful things that are often missed in day-to-day life. The finest of the two is combined in the biennial Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize, Australia’s most prestigious natural artwork competition. This year’s winners and highly commended works are on display at the National Archives of Australia until 13 November.
In Reception this way: Motels - a sentimental journey with Tim Ross, all but two of the photographs on display come from the National Archives of Australia’s collection right here in Canberra, so CW thought it only fitting to explore the featured motels from our region.
National Archives of Australia will be receiving a significant gift of records relating to the first inshore circumnavigation of Australia by navigator and cartographer Captain Matthew Flinders in the early 1800s.