14.1 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Nuclear

To the editor: Spot on Bill, Nuclear bias and risks

To the editor: Spot on Bill, Nuclear bias and risks

Nature vs. nuclear: the economics of renewable energy

Predictably, ACT Independent Senator David Pocock attacked the Coalition's policy to build nuclear power generators.

Nuclear plan a ‘big danger’ to investment in renewables

Uncertainty in Australia's energy policy would endanger investment, as one in five approval requests are for renewable projects, the environment minister says.

Coalition says nuclear power could enter grid by 2030s

Former fossil fuel centres will be transformed into nuclear energy plants under a coalition plan to power the nation.

ANU: New method to identify underground nuclear tests

Scientists at the Australian National University have invented a 99 per cent accurate method for detecting underground nuclear tests.

To the editor: Roberts-Smith, kangaroo count, Voice and more

This week, letter writers talk about the Ben Roberts-Smith situation, our kangaroo population, welcome to country and nuclear power.

To the editor: Calvary, sustainability, nuclear and more

This week’s letter writers talk about the Calvary Hospital situation, giving thanks, sustainability, the environment and nuclear power.

To the editor: Nuclear power, great headline

There is a concerted push by conservatives for Australia to have nuclear power generation.

Nuclear-armed North Korea tests long range missile

Nuclear-armed North Korea has conducted what would be its largest missile test since 2017, sending a suspected intermediate-range ballistic missile soaring into space and sparking condemnation from the United States and its allies.

US urges North Korea to stop missile tests

A senior US diplomat has urged North Korea to refrain from additional missile tests and to resume nuclear diplomacy, days after the North fired its first underwater-launched ballistic missile in two years.

Japan’s PM Kishida defends pro-nuclear stance

Japan's new prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has defended his pro-nuclear energy policies, saying that re-starting nuclear power plants mothballed since the 2011 Fukushima disaster is vital.

Hiroshima marks atomic bombing anniversary

Hiroshima has marked the 76th anniversary of the world's first atomic bombing, as the mayor of the Japanese city urged global leaders to unite to eliminate nuclear weapons, just as they are united against the coronavirus.
