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Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Peter Cain

ACT Government’s 2024-25 Planning Priorities

ACT planning minister Chris Steel has released his Planning Priorities for the next financial year, focusing on more housing.

ACT politics: Thursday 16 May

Reinstating sentencing submissions for the prosecution; police empowered to scan for knives; and oversight of prisons.

Canberra Liberals push for coercive control laws

The Canberra Liberals will introduce legislation to create a standalone criminal offence for coercive control.

ACT Government uses controversial call-in powers for housing

The ACT Government has announced two housing developments. But ACT Labor's use of call-in powers has angered other parties.

ACT Legislative Assembly’s first sitting week of 2024

Light rail, hospital wait times, and cost of living were once more debated in the ACT Legislative Assembly's first sitting week for 2024.

Majura Valley farmers welcome Canberra Liberals’ support

The ACT Government has promised to degazette Majura Valley farmers' land blocks from National Land, but the process is slow.

Canberra Liberals reshuffle sends Jeremy Hanson to backbench

Canberra Liberals MLA Jeremy Hanson, former deputy opposition leader, has been moved to the backbench in a reshuffle of the Shadow Cabinet.

Liberals demand accountability in ACT government procurement

Peter Cain MLA will call on the ACT Government to improve transparency and integrity on the awarding of public funds through procurement.

Canberra Liberals call for more housing options in ACT

Peter Cain MLA will call today on the ACT Government to urgently increase the ACT’s supply and diversity of housing.

‘Too far, too early’: Liberals seek to amend minimum responsibility

The Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 will be debated today; the Canberra Liberals want to amend it.

Canberra Liberals and ACT Government clash over union contracts

The Canberra Liberals have accused Chris Steel MLA of refusing to reveal the value of contracts awarded to unions since 2016.

Canberra Liberals call for multicultural venue at EPIC

Canberra Liberals MLA Peter Cain will call on the ACT Government to honour their election promise to construct a multicultural venue at EPIC.

Canberra Liberals demand release of Planning Bill papers

The Planning Bill 2022 passed the Legislative Assembly in June, but the Territory Plan and District Strategies have not yet been released.

Court on camera: Why have recordings not been improved in ACT?

Courtroom video recordings have not been improved, a year after Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury promised to investigate the issue.

Canberra Liberals raise concerns about data misuse

Will the ACT Government use data analytics collected from government advertising for election campaigns?

ACT Auditor-General identifies problems with procurement

The ACT Auditor-General has identified a lack of expertise, deficiencies in legislation, and failure to follow guidelines.
