17.7 C
Friday, September 6, 2024

Take 5 with Joyce Yang, piano sensation

Grammy-nominated Korean pianist sensation Joyce Yang returns to Australia next month to amaze audiences with her moving renditions of classic works. She stops in at Canberraโ€™s Snow Concert Hall to perform her show Kaleidoscopic Colours on Tuesday 14 May. CD caught up with Ms Yang ahead of the show to discuss favourite works, toys and the future.

What can audiences expect from the show at Snow Concert Hall?
Iโ€™ll be playing a piano recital showcasing works by four different Russian composers. Russian music has always been very close to my heart and I hope the audience goes on an epic journey listening to these masterpieces, which are filled with drama, beauty, and nostalgia.

What first drew you to the piano?
I received the piano as my 4th birthday present. My aunt was my first piano teacher and she made up all kinds of fun games and activities involving the piano. The piano soon turned into my favourite toy.

Do you have any career highlights so far?
Winning the silver medal at the Van Cliburn Piano Competition as a 19-year-old brought many new opportunities. I got to perform in my home country (South Korea) with the New York Philharmonic on their Asian tour and play at the worldโ€™s greatest venues like New Yorkโ€™s Lincoln Center, The Berliner Philharmonie and the Tonhalle (Zurich). Other career highlights include being nominated for the Grammy award for a chamber music disc I recorded with violinist Augustin Hadelich, as well as winning the Avery Fisher Career Grant.

Do you have a favourite piece to play?
This changes all the time but I always seem to return to works by Schumann and Rachmaninoff.

Whatโ€™s next for you?
Love and support from my husband, family, and friends!

Catch Joyce Yang in Kaleidoscopic Colours at Snow Concert Hall on Tuesday 14 May 7pm; snowconcerthall.com

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