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Take 5 with Nick Schuller, coming to Canberra Comedy Festival

Now Melbourne-based comedian Nick Schuller returns to Canberra, his old stomping ground, with his debut stand-up show Fire Brand at the Canberra Comedy Festival on 17 March. The comedian caught up with CW to discuss Canberra, comedy, and the humour to be found in tragedy.

1. Tell us about Fire Brand.

This is my debut solo stand-up show, I am very excited to bring it back to Canberra.

It is about my familyโ€™s experience with the 2019 Black Summer Bushfires, our house in Rosedale, south of Batemans Bay. The show tells the story of the house and my attempts to keep the memories that happened there alive.

Itโ€™s not necessarily a topic you might think of as immediately funny but the saying goes ‘comedy equals tragedy plus time’, and it has been three years now. There is certainly some humour to be found in it.

2. Why do you think people approach tough topics with humour?

I think, for me, it has been a coping mechanism, it makes it easier to talk about these things. They are difficult and painful but if you can come to them with a sense of humour and laugh, then I think that it helps. Itโ€™s cathartic, it reminds you of the positive and fun times that we had at the house and makes grieving easier.

3. How long have you been in the comedy scene?

I started comedy properly at the start of 2018, so five years ago. I did my first-ever gig at Civic Pub a year before that and I was terrible, it was not good, it did not go well. So, I didnโ€™t do it for a year, then I went to an open mic night at Smithโ€™s Alternative, and I was hooked from there on.

4. Anything to do while youโ€™re in Canberra?

My parents still live in Canberra, I am seeing them, they just moved to a new house so I will probably be sleeping on the floor. Then catching up with friends and watching other shows at the Canberra Comedy Festival.

Canberra was a great place to start doing comedy. The scene is very strong here, there are so many great local acts but it is also very supportive. Canberra audiences are fun to perform in front of; they are generous and friendly. Itโ€™s nice to come home and perform in front of the home crowd.

5. Whatโ€™s next?

Iโ€™m doing Melbourne Comedy Festival – Iโ€™m doing 12 nights in Melbourne – then Iโ€™m taking it to Sydney in May, touring it round the country.

The focus is this show right now, but the plan is to have a new show ready to go for festivals next year.

Catch Nick Schuller in Fire Brand at Canberra Theatre Centre, Friday 17 March 8pm; canberracomedyfestival.com.au

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