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Friday, September 6, 2024

The R Clinic offers lifeline to better vein health

A light in the dark for those experiencing problems with their vein health, Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic is a doctor-led institution dedicated to ensuring patients receive personalised, expert care.

Located conveniently in Belconnen, Canberra Vein Care is here for the community and in tune with the unique challenges and concerns of Canberra residents when it comes to vein health. Led by Dr Melanie Sung, one of the only female doctors in Canberra with specialised qualifications in phlebology, the expert team offers a welcoming space where every client is met with warmth, empathy and expertise.

“Achiness, leg heaviness, swelling, restless legs, or skin changes and itchiness — these are the symptoms that prompt people to seek treatment. But I believe even those without these symptoms should receive proper education, even if I am not going to intervene,” says Dr. Sung.

Many people with vein disease don’t seek help until they have reached an advanced stage as it often goes unnoticed or is thought to be ‘just cosmetical’.

“I want to educate the public that spider veins aren’t just cosmetic. The majority of spider veins that we see are part of the spectrum of a condition called chronic venous insufficiency. It is a medical condition; the vein fails and will continue to fail and get worse over time… People don’t see what we see which is the end stage or the complications associated.”

Canberra Vein Care is hoping to turn the tide on this perception and encourage patients to seek help. Their state-of-the-art treatments can halt the disease in its tracks before it worsens.

“Early intervention is super important, and it doesn’t just mean treatment. It involves having a good understanding of where your veins are and knowing the options if intervention becomes necessary.”

This proactive approach ensures clients can avoid the complications that come with advanced vein disease and invasive corrective surgeries. Dr Sung says the body can give early signs, like spider veins, that something is happening deeper underneath the skin, that’s why every patient undergoes a full ultrasound assessment.

“A diagnostic ultrasound is performed on site by our vascular sonographers. Once completed, we obtain a clear baseline of what’s happening. We discuss with the patient the findings, the cause of the vein issues, and management considerations, including exercise and lifestyle. Not everyone requires procedural intervention. It’s not a ticked box; it’s customised because everyone’s veins are different.”

The R Clinic
The team at Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic can help with a range of vein issues.

If the vein requires intervention or treatment, Canberra Vein Care offers several options. We’ve all heard of vein stripping, a painful procedure with associated risks and long recovery times. Canberra Vein Care aims to eliminate the need for this harsh procedure. Specialising in non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments, the team of experts prioritises safety, effectiveness, and innovation in their treatment plans.

“The clinic offers everything from endovenous thermal ablations to radiofrequency ablations, ultrasound-guided Sclerotherapy and glue ablations. These are the main minimal invasive treatments, but we also offer a lot of education,” says Dr Sung.

“Minimally invasive treatments such as laser ablations are the first line of treatment, not surgery anymore. There has been a big change in how we manage veins and surgery is no longer first line.”

No hospital stay is required. The walk-in, walk-out clinic gets you home and on the road to recovery on the same day. It isn’t goodbye once you leave the clinic after receiving treatment, Canberra Vein Care values comprehensive aftercare support. Starting with follow-up appointments and moving on to ongoing monitoring with trained doctors, experienced vascular sonographers, clinical nurses, and patient liaison specialists, patients receive unmatched support.

“Vein treatment is a chronic condition, you’re not going in once and then disappearing – it’s like going to the dentist, you don’t go just once. Aftercare is super important and involves follow-up with the doctors and sonographers and regular reviews to make sure any issues are picked up early enough,” says Dr Sung.

Sitting in the car or travelling long distances after receiving vein treatments can impact the effectiveness and decrease optimal results. The northside location cuts down on this unnecessary risk by offering specialised services for all Canberra region residents.

“Because we are here full-time, if you have a procedure done on Tuesday and experience issues on Wednesday, I’m available for you to call and come in for a quick visit. Even for a minor issue, it is important that we address it promptly,” says Dr Sung.

“We offer a one-stop shop for vein care, starting with assessments and continuing through to vein management, including extensive post-op maintenance programs that I don’t believe any other places provide.”

Establishing beneficial and meaningful relationships with her patients is a core value of Dr Sung’s service, she strives to empower each client to know how to make the best medical decisions for themselves.

“I believe in working with the patient so they can make their own informed choices about what is best for their health… You have to educate the patient and spend the time discussing the options,” says Dr Sung.

Aiming to set a new benchmark for vein care across the local region, Canberra Vein Care goes beyond just a clinic. The team is passionate about helping those seeking relief from vein to disease to live their lives to the fullest. The path to healthy veins, supported by local experts, early intervention, innovative treatments, and tailored aftercare, is just one appointment away. Why not start now? Take a step towards better vein health with Canberra Vein Care by The R Clinic; rclinic.com.au/vein

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