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Monday, October 21, 2024

Time for a spring ‘clean out’? – Colonic clinics may help!

Former senior public servant, Melanie Beaumont, has always had an interest in health. And specifically, digestive issues. “I had a lot of tummy issues when I was younger,” she said.

“Thanks to my Mum though, I was introduced to colonic irrigation and found it very beneficial.”

Six months ago, Melanie decided to turn her ‘interest’ into her own business. “Since I took that leap, I haven’t looked back!” she says.

The clinic, ‘Colonics Canberra’, is doing much better than she expected. “I just reviewed my statistics yesterday,” said Mel. “And I’ve performed 410 colonics already!”

Owner of Colonics Canberra
Melanie Beaumont – Colonics Canberra

What is colonic irrigation and why are so many Canberrans using it?

Colonic irrigation refers to the flushing out of the large intestine with water via a tube inserted into the rectum so that the contents are released.

There are two forms of professional colonic irrigation: ‘open’ and ‘closed. The open system, used at Colonics Canberra, means that the flow of filtered water is controlled by the client, and the water is delivered via a thin sterile tube around which the contents are expelled. There is no need for the practitioner to remain present, affording those clients who want it, privacy, yet with access to support if needed.

Colonic bed
Open system colonic bed at Colonics Canberra

The closed system, on the other hand, was the first type of colonic irrigation used in clinics.

Shahnee Jewel of the Authentix Beauty and Wellness clinic in Braddon has been offering colonic irrigation via the closed system since 2014. Using this system, the technician inserts a “fully disposable, single use speculum kit, for the safest and most hygienic method of insertion”, says Shahnee. She adds that closed system technicians are also trained to identify potential gastrointestinal issues via observation of contents.

“With our closed system, clients lay on our comfortable beds, while our skilled technician carefully administers warm filtered water, conducts abdominal massage, and gathers pertinent information to support you on your path to wellness. A clean and simple, no smell no mess, treatment that will leave you walking away feeling like the best version of yourself ” says Shahnee.

people holding rolls of toilet paper.
The Authentix Beauty and Wellness Team.

And whilst some may feel like running for the hills at the thought of either proposition, Fleur from Canberra says, “I recently visited Colonics Canberra, and the experience was truly transformative. From the moment I walked in, I felt welcomed and at ease. The treatment itself was incredibly effective—I walked out feeling lighter, both physically and mentally. I also noticed a profound improvement in my emotional well-being.

According to both Shahnee and Melanie, colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy may strengthen the immune system, improve weight loss, improve and support gut health, increase energy and hydration, improve digestion and help the body to rid itself of toxins naturally. “And both systems have their merits”, says Melanie.

Canberra based naturopath, Carrie Walters, of Elemental Naturopathy and Wellness is also a fan of colonics.

“As a naturopath, I believe that regular colonics are an important part of health maintenance.  If you’re new to the practice, I recommend 2 to 3 colonics over a 10-to-12-day period to deeply cleanse the colon, and as maintenance, a colonic every 2 to 3 months could be beneficial to your overall health.  It is best however, to seek professional guidance depending on your health goals and wellbeing goals.”

The Mayo Clinic in the United States advises anyone considering a colonic irrigation service to ‘Choose an experienced alternative medicine professional with a good reputation and look into that professional’s education, training, licensing and certifications.’

So, if the thought of ridding yourself of whatever may be’ weighing you down’ is appealing to you, check with your healthcare provider as to whether this particular spring clean out could help!

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