Tips to stay active at home


With many people now self-isolating and social distancing at home, the need to stay active has never been greater.

Exercise science expert Professor Ken Nosaka from Edith Cowan University has created two quick and simple exercise programs, which you can follow on youtube, for seniors and younger people to do at home.

โ€œWith the elderly and vulnerable being advised to stay at home during the COVID-19 crisis, the importance of staying active as never been greater,โ€ Professor Nosaka said.

โ€œOlder people, in particular, are at risk of physical decline, and a lack of regular exercise could lead to a litany of problems including reduced muscle strength, coordination, balance, flexibility and mobility, and decreased cardiovascular and respiratory functions, all of which can make people more susceptible to ill health.

โ€œThe home could be an ideal place for exercises to make all people, including older people, healthier and fitter and improve immune function to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection. Some quick and easy exercises can be done from the comfort of home requiring no equipment and just a bit of motivation.โ€

Five simple exercises seniors can do at home:

  • 1. Seated stepping exercise (pictured above) โ€“ minimum 20 steps
  • 2. Seated hip raises โ€“ minimum 20 steps
  • 3. Seated lean back abdominal exercise โ€“ minimum 10 reps
  • 4. Chair sit โ€“ minimum 10 reps
  • 5. Heel raises 5 seconds to lower feet (pictured below) โ€“ minimum 10 reps each leg
stay active
Some quick and easy exercises can be done at home requiring no equipment and just a bit of motivation.

Five simple exercises younger people can do at home:

  • 1. Seated stepping exercise โ€“ intervals 20 x fast, 10 x slow, 5 x reps
  • 2. Seated rowing exercise โ€“ minimum 10 x reps
  • 3. Seated lean back (hands behind head) โ€“ minimum 10 x reps
  • 4. Chair sit โ€“ minimum 10 x reps each leg
  • 5. Jump squat โ€“ minimum 10 x reps