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Friday, December 20, 2024

To the editor: Sincere thank you to Canberrans

Thank you to Canberrans who are masking-up and keeping distance while enjoying this lovely, almost-springtime weather.  And smiling with your eyes and separating when passing.

Thank you to the 20 per cent of Canberra businesses that complied fully with recent health checks. If I knew who you were, I’d take my patronage to you.

Thank you to those hospitality businesses that ensure all staff – front and back – follow proper masking rules, and thank you to each staff member for masking properly, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Thank you to those remembering to check-in each time you arrive at work; it’s easy to forget.

Thank you to those click-and-collect and take-away businesses finding ways to ensure proper sanitation and distancing during collection.

Thank you to businesses providing sanitary sign-in alternatives for those without mobile phones.

“We are now moving beyond warnings. Repeat offenders will have to be closed.”  [Chief Minister Barr, 13 September]

Let’s do everything we can to keep businesses open and people employed, to enjoy our outdoors and small-group socialisation.

Thank you to all those complying with health restrictions; thank you for contributing actively to the health and safety of us all!

  • J. Bamberger, O’Connor

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