In 1800s England, acclaimed but unrecognised fossil hunter Mary Anning (Kate Winslet) works alone on the rugged Southern coastline. With the days of her famed discoveries behind her, she now searches for common fossils to sell to tourists to support herself and her ailing mother. When a wealthy visitor entrusts Mary with the care of his wife, Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan), she cannot afford to turn his offer down. Despite the distance between their social class and personalities, an intense bond begins to develop, compelling the two women to determine the true nature of their relationship.
Ammonite (MA15+) is in cinemas 14 January 2021.
Canberra Daily has 10 x Ammonite in-season double passes to be won.
To enter, email [email protected] with ‘Ammonite’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and one of the stars of this film. Entries close 9am Friday 8 January 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.
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