Free-Rain Theatre’s production of Billy Elliot The Musical, based on the 2000 film of the same name, is a breathtaking show that tells the story of a young boy who finds his passion for dance in the midst of the 1984 miners’ strike in northern England. With music by Elton John and book and lyrics by Lee Hall, it’s a musical that is easy to love, it has so much heart. It’s a touching coming-of-age musical that sweeps audiences off their feet with the impressive dance numbers, and heart-warming story. Don’t miss it!
Thanks to Free-Rain Theatre, CW has 2 x doubles passes to give away for the Tuesday 16 April show of Billy Elliot The Musical at The Q – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre.
To enter, email [email protected] with ‘Billy Elliot in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including street address) and where the show is running. Entries close 9am Friday 12 April 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.