Cranston Academy: Monster Zone (PG) is the story of Danny (voiced by Jamie Bell), a 15-year-old genius bullied for his intelligence and struggling to fit in at school, and Liz (voiced by Ruby Rose), the daughter of a famous scientist whose legacy she strives to overcome and be considered a genius in her own right. When Danny is unexpectedly offered a scholarship to Cranston Academy, a secret, prestigious boarding school for geniuses, where Liz is the number one student, a rivalry sparks.
In his quest to prove his intelligence, Danny inadvertently opens a portal to another dimension and unleashes a slew of monsters on the school. Liz must put their rivalry aside and help Danny, together with a half-moth, half-man professor, aptly nicknamed Mothman, to overcome the creatures of the fifth dimension and save the school.
To celebrate the 24 June cinema release of Cranston Academy: Monster Zone, Canberra Daily has 5 x family passes (admit 4) to be won.
To enter, email [email protected] with ‘Cranston Academy’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and which Australian actor voices Liz. Entries close 9am Thursday 24 June 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.