Penguin Bloom (PG) tells the true story of Sam Bloom (Academy Awardยฎ nominated Naomi Watts), a young mother whose world is turned upside down after a near-fatal accident leaves her unable to walk. Samโs husband, (Andrew Lincoln), her three young boys and her mother (Academy Awardยฎ nominated Jacki Weaver), are struggling to adjust to their new situation when an unlikely ally enters their world in the form of an injured baby magpie, they name Penguin. The bird eventually makes a profound difference in the familyโs life. See the inspiring true story, Penguin Bloom, in cinemas 21 January.
Canberra Daily has 10 x Penguin Bloom (PG) in-season double passes to be won.
To enter, email [email protected] with โPenguin Bloomโ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and one of the stars of this film. Entries close 9am Friday 15 January 2021 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.
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