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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Work Xmas party tips post lockdown

Is it even worth having an end-of-year work party right now? According to Amanda Rose, CEO of providing guidance to other CEOs, the answer is a booming ‘yes’.

“During the hardest year ever, it’s especially important for employers to recognise the struggle that every single person who works for them has gone through, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Employers need to say, ‘Well done for surviving and coming out half-human!’”

Maintaining company morale may not explicitly be in a CEO’s job description, but Ms Rose advises that “if you play your cards right, your employees will keep each other’s morale up. That’s what happens by default if you just lead the way.”

With today’s nuclear workplace looking increasingly globalised, Ms Rose suggests that the number one way to isolate employees is to be ‘all-or-nothing’ with work social events.

“Even if in-person celebrations are an option, do not rule out online participation. Be flexible in your Christmas celebrations, but also be flexible moving forward. We increasingly need to look at hybrid model workplaces, let your parties reflect what they really are.”

Attaching an activity to your work function is one of Ms Rose’s top tips for staff parties during the pandemic. Zoom movie premieres, small budget Kris Kringle, and neighbourhood treasure hunts are just a few of the tried-and-true celebratory activities she suggests. This year, she will be couriering wine and cheese packs to her own staff, for a virtual wine tasting night.

Her other expert tips include, “first and foremost, ask your employees what they want! Do a poll for goodness’ sake. One thing I really don’t like is when staff parties have VIP sections. CEOs are no better than everyone working underneath them. Which means no drawn-out speeches, keep it under three minutes if you must. Most of all, don’t let anyone leave empty handed – and I do not mean give them more work.”

Regarding what to wear, Ms Rose reminds everyone on the corporate ladder to have fun, be smart and dress smart. “Get people’s attention, but for the right reasons. My go-to is sparkly shoes, or a sparkly jacket. Conversational pieces. You have got to remember, it’s a work event. Not a party-party.”

When it comes to remaining professional, while still having fun, Ms Rose’s rule is one drink maximum. “Loose lips sink ships. The last thing you need is to be the person who says the wrong thing. Carry one drink around and sip slowly.”

Particularly if you are a new hire, you want to put your best foot forward at social events. “Always look immaculate. Put in the effort. We’ve kind of lost that lately.

“Don’t walk in a wet blanket, and always arrive early. The strategy behind being early, both in-person and online, is that you get access to who’s there first – usually the boss.

“Furthermore, don’t be the last the leave. Like a first date, you want to leave them wanting more.”

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