The National Zoo and Aquarium will reopen on Wednesday 20 December, while Jamala Wildlife Lodge will remain closed until Saturday 30 December following Monday’s fatal stabbing on site. The facilities’ owners, management and staff today issued an official statement about the tragedy:
“The owners, management and staff of Jamala Wildlife Lodge and the National Zoo and Aquarium
would like to express their condolences to the families of those affected by Mondayโs tragic events.
They would also like to express their sorrow to all staff, many who have been significantly affected
by this event.
They also wish to thank both the staff who showed incredible strength and compassion during a
horrific time. Thank you also to the multitude of friends, visitors, members, staff and the general
public for their kind thoughts and messages of support.
It has been noted that zoo staff would prefer to be at work and as such the zoo will re-open to the
public as of 9.30am tomorrow (Wednesday). Staff have been given the option of working or not,
however we expect all normal services will be available.
Our staff are keen to welcome you to the zoo and we look forward to seeing you. As usual, it will be
closed on Christmas Day.
Jamala staff have generally been significantly affected by the events and Jamala will remain shut
until 30th December and will reopen subject to staff sentiments and availability.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Richard and Maureen Tindale and family and all management and staff.”
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