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Friday, May 10, 2024

Do you need a robot vacuum cleaner (and what to look for)?

So you bought a robot vacuum to automate cleaning around your house. Now it’s time to figure out which of the various cleaning modes are right for your needs. With options like auto, spot, edge, and max cleaning, navigating the settings on your new robot vacuum can get confusing.

We’ll break down what each mode does and the best ways to put them to use in your home. In no time, you’ll be scheduling customised cleaning plans and enjoying your new hands-free housekeeping helper. The days of pushing a heavy vacuum around the house are over.

Understanding Robot Vacuum Cleaning Modes

Robot vacuums have various preset modes for different cleaning needs. The default mode is auto or normal, where the vacuum cleans your floors automatically with standard suction power. It’s great for daily maintenance and upkeep.

For a more thorough clean, switch to max or turbo mode. This high-powered setting increases suction power to effectively pick up more dirt and debris, especially in heavily-dusty areas. It is perfect for a scheduled deep clean once or twice a month.

Edge or spot mode is perfect for targeting specific areas like wall edges and corners where dirt accumulates. It’s also useful for cleaning messy spots like under the kitchen table or hard-to-reach nooks. Some robot vacuums from ECOVACS have specialised modes for different flooring types, adjusting brush height and suction power accordingly.

If supported, there may be mopping or wet mop modes for cleaning hard floors like wood and tile. Research the available modes on your specific robot vacuum to optimize your cleaning experience.

Assessing Your Cleaning Needs

robot vacuum

The robot vacuum cleaners market will grow at a CAGR of 18.80% by 2029 according to Data Bridge Marketing Research. Comprehensive cleaning and smart modes are the main reasons for the market’s growth. There are a lot of factors you need to know before figuring out what modes or combinations of modes are best for your robot vacuum. Things like your home layout, flooring, and cleaning times.

If you don’t want to get into the nitty-gritty tech, then just opting for the smart or auto mode will work for you. However, to make the most out of your robot vacuum you need to set specific modes for different areas of your house.

In the case of flooring, most houses have a combination of hard and soft flooring. There are different modes for both. For hard flooring, the auto modes work really well. Additionally, some models also have mopping capabilities to make your floor shine.

For carpeted areas, it’s better to use the turbo or max mode on your robot vacuum. These modes are optimised for high-powered suctioning to get stubborn dirt and debris out of carpets. Plus, they also work really well with pet hair. Advanced models also have adjustable brush heights for more effective cleaning.

To put it simply, these modes help you to customise your robot vacuum according to your needs. All you need to do is set up all these modes for different areas of your house through the app.

Mapping Out the Best Cleaning Path for Your Home

robot vacuum

Once you have your robot vacuum set up, it’s time to put it to work. The best approach is to start with some test runs to map out the most efficient cleaning path for your home’s floor plan and needs.

Select the “quick clean” or “express clean” mode to do an initial sweep of your whole space. This allows the vacuum to get the lay of the land and start building its navigation mapping system. Let it run through the mode, then check its map to see if there are any areas it missed or couldn’t access. You may need to make some adjustments to furniture placement or add virtual wall barriers to guide the vacuum to all areas of the floor.

Repeat this until your robot vacuum can do a full run of your house without any issues. Doing this also improves the navigation mapping system of your vacuum, which makes it more efficient and faster when it comes to cleaning.

With the mapping in place, you can then select more specialised cleaning modes like spot clean, edge clean, or room-specific cleans. The robot vacuum will know exactly where to go to get the job done as directed.

Creating Customised Cleaning Schedules

You can set up custom cleaning schedules to have your robot vacuum running when you want. The scheduling options allow you to choose which days of the week and what time of day your robot vacuum will automatically start cleaning.

For example, you may want to schedule a quick run Monday through Friday when you leave for work in the morning. Then schedule a more thorough clean on the weekends when you’re home and can supervise. You can even schedule different cleaning modes for different days. Maybe turbo mode for a fast, deep clean on Fridays and eco-mode for a lighter clean on the other days.

In our fast-paced lives, household chores often take a backseat. There are many reasons to buy a robot vacuum cleaner and they surely revolutionise cleaning routines. From time savings to enhanced cleanliness, these marvels navigate effortlessly, adapting to Australian homes. So, what are you waiting for?

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