14.1 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Pet of the Week: Astrid the Russian Blue

A beautiful Russian Blue, Astrid is a special furry addition to her family. Endless lap snuggles and weird cat shenanigans are in store with this lady.

Favourite way to spend the day: The day starts with a loud meow announcing breakfast before a wander and rubs against corners and legs. Next, Astrid finds a sunny spot to watch the morning madness.

Favourite snack: A particular lady, Astrid can’t look past a fresh bowl of tuna in spring water but will leave any other flavour.

Favourite toy: Astrid adores a big cardboard box to spend hours leaping in and out. If there is a cardboard box in the loungeroom, Astrid will be in or near it.

Special talent: Astrid can sense any time Mum sits down on the lounge, and is on her favourite lap within a few seconds.

Each week CD will share a furry, feathered or scaly face from around the region. To have your best friend featured, send your answers to the questions above and an image of your pet looking their best to [email protected].

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