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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Canberra Liberals drop Elizabeth Kikkert as election candidate

Elizabeth Kikkert, Canberra Liberals member of the Legislative Assembly for Ginninderra, will not run in next month’s election as an endorsed candidate, and the Liberals have removed her from the parliamentary party.

The Canberra Liberals’ management committee indicated that the decision was based on Mrs Kikkert’s failure to comply with the Electoral Act 1992, and her conduct towards employees, which could lead to workplace claims.

“This decision was not taken lightly, but reflects the seriousness with which the Liberal Party takes compliance with obligations of candidates and MLAs under the Electoral Act 1992, including but not limited to disclosure of donations and electoral expenditure,” a spokesperson said.

“In taking the decision, the Liberal Party also took into account conduct which had exposed the Party to potential workplace claims as a result of Mrs Kikkert’s behaviour towards employees.

“The Canberra Liberals take compliance with the Electoral Act 1992 very seriously, and has no tolerance for behaviour which would not be acceptable in any workplace.”

Party leader Elizabeth Lee said the decision was difficult and one not taken lightly. Questioned by journalists for fully 10 minutes, she did not specify what Mrs Kikkert was alleged to have done.

Ms Lee said that the Electoral Commissioner had been made aware of the allegations, and that the Canberra Liberals had completed internal party processes to deal with serious issues or allegations of non-compliance.

Mrs Kikkert was elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020. She was chair of the Health and Community Wellbeing standing committee, and held several shadow ministries: families, youth and community services; prevention of domestic and family violence; corrections; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs; disability; and multicultural affairs.

Mrs Kikkert was sent to the party backbench in a reshuffle of the Shadow Cabinet last year, with Jeremy Hanson.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr said: “The exiling of Elizabeth Kikkert and Jeremy Hanson to the backbench indicated that all was not well inside the Liberal Party. I think the community needs to know the exact nature of the allegations that has led to the Liberal Party sacking an incumbent MLA.

“This is a major thing. This is not some unknown candidate. This is someone who’s been a shadow minister, been a senior member of their team for eight years, and on the eve of the election, with a midnight press release, trying to sneak it under the cover of a stadium announcement, there’s something serious going on here.

“We want to hear from Elizabeth Kikkert as well as to what’s her side of the story, but it’s really highlighting some major internal issues within the Liberal Party.”

Mr Barr alleges that opposition leader Elizabeth Lee attempted to push a party ticket that would place sitting Liberal members last on a “how to vote” card, bypassing the Hare-Clark electoral system. Reportedly, Liberal MLA James Milligan, who was affected by this proposal, told Labor members while campaigning in Yerrabi. Mr Milligan and Mr Hanson met former Liberals senator Zed Seselja last week.

Ms Lee emphatically denied Mr Barr’s claims.

“I thoroughly reject anything that Mr. Barr says about the Canberra Liberals, and instead of focusing on what we’re doing, I think he should focus on all his broken promises,” Ms Lee said.

Peter Cain MLA, Chiaka Barry, Joe Prevedello, and Darren Roberts are standing for the Canberra Liberals in Ginninderra.

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