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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Social distancing: Enjoy being housebound

With so many events being cancelled – from live music and theatre to festivals and sport – we’re likely to be spending more time at home practicing social distancing. Here are six tips to keep you busy, sane and connected while housebound.

Cross the stream

Binge-watching. Consider this a conscious effort to get the obvious stuff out of the way. If you’re at home social distancing for an extended period, chances are you’re going to binge watch; just make sure you set firm boundaries around screen time for the sake of your own wellbeing.

Keep a routine

Wake up, shower, coffee, check emails. Nobody’s expecting military precision, but try to maintain structure in your daily life. This isn’t that hazy phase between Christmas and New Year when time ceases to exist; please don’t let it become that.

Fresh air

Get out of the house if you can. Staying cooped up inside all day isn’t good for us, and getting some fresh air into your lungs and gentle sunlight on your face can do a lot for your disposition. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes cutting a lap of the backyard or sitting on the balcony, make the effort to get out there for your own mental health and wellbeing.

Read a book

Reading requires discipline when you’ve got multiple streaming libraries at your fingertips, but now is a great time to get some serious reading done or take steps to get back into it. If you’re unsure where to start, see the latest suggestions from CW book reviewer, Jeff Popple.

Check on your neighbours

This one is particularly pertinent if you have any elderly neighbours. Contact them safely to check in, and offer to grab them anything they require from the supermarket or the pharmacy. It’s the elderly among us who are the most vulnerable right now, so offer them your assistance in any way you can with social distancing guidelines in mind.

Phone a friend

Social distancing doesn’t mean you have to completely isolate yourself. Pick up the phone and give a few friends or family members a call, or send them a message. A 15-minute ‘break’ from work to check in won’t go astray, especially when done during your lunch or tea break.

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