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Friday, October 25, 2024

ACT Budget: Clean energy transition

The ACT Government has set a target of zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, and tomorrow’s Budget, ministers say, will further invest in a Zero Emissions Canberra. It includes an $80 million boost for the Sustainable Household Scheme and $70 million to electrify government buildings.

Sustainable Household Scheme

The Sustainable Household Scheme, set up in 2021, provides zero interest loans to ACT residents and community groups to upgrade their premises or to use renewable energy products to reduce energy costs and limit the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.

The funding boost for the Sustainable Household Scheme will takes the total investment to $280 million. Chief Minister Andrew Barr said this will “ease the cost-of-living pressures many Canberra households are facing, while also supporting the local economy”.

The next phase will assist Canberrans to upgrade their heating and cooling to fully electric; to install hot water pumps and electric stove tops; and to purchase electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, battery storage systems, and ceiling insulation.

“Under this next phase of the Scheme, we’re helping Canberrans transition from gas to electricity, by upgrading their electrical appliances,” Mr Barr said. “This will have an enormous impact on the sustainability of Canberra households, and will also have a positive impact on family budgets.”

Solar panels

However, eligibility for solar panels under the Sustainable Household Scheme will be restricted to homeowners with a 2022 unimproved land value of $450,000 or less. Previously, it was based on a 2020 unimproved land value of $750,000.

The government says this will free up capacity for the items above, and ensure that those who most need government support to acquire solar panels can do so.

Since the Scheme was set up, it has invested $100 million in solar.

The ACT and Commonwealth Governments will jointly provide $3.6 million to incentivise installing rooftop solar on apartment blocks through rebates and concessional loans to body corporates, Mr Barr and Chris Bowen MP, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy, announced this morning.

The ministers anticipate that more than 21,00 households will benefit, and that electricity bills for Canberrans living in apartments will reduce by 35 per cent.

Multi-dwelling body corporates will be able to access up to $100,000 for rooftop solar, half through a Commonwealth rebate or grant through the Solar Banks initiative, and half from an interest-free loan under the Sustainable Household Scheme.

This is part of the Commonwealth’s $101 million commitment to shared solar, to ease energy bills.

Sustainable Household Scheme’s success

Since 2021, the Sustainable Household Scheme has assisted almost 13,000 households with the up-front costs of making their homes more sustainable, “allowing Canberrans to improve the comfort of their homes and reduce their energy bills”, Mr Barr said.

“It was the first of its kind to make energy efficiency upgrades affordable and accessible for households and community organisations, and has been an overwhelming success to date.

“The huge success of the Scheme to date has shown that households want to play their part towards a more sustainable future. We thank Canberrans for being on board.”

The Scheme received the Future Cities award at the Banksia National Sustainability Awards last year.

$70 million for electric public sector operations 

The ACT Government will invest almost $70 million to electrify government-owned and operated buildings. 

The project will replace ageing gas appliances with electric heating and hot water systems across schools, hospitals, emergency services, government offices, and depots.

The government expects this will stimulate the commercial upgrades industry in Canberra.

The first electrification upgrades will occur at the Manuka Pool, Weetangera Primary School, and the Gungahlin Joint Emergency Services Centre. 

“The ACT Government will lead by example in the electrification of our city,” Shane Rattenbury, ACT Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction, said.

“This pioneering program will improve efficiency and cut emissions from government operations contributing to our goal of zero emissions from Government operations by 2040. The major project will also see an expansion of the commercial upgrades industry in the Territory.”

EV charging network, Big Battery, Expanded Home Energy Support Program

The Budget will invest in the Big Canberra Battery project to establish large-scale to neighbourhood-scale batteries to help power ACT homes and businesses.

More vulnerable households will be able to receive rebates through the Home Energy Support Program. From 1 July, homeowners who hold a Health Care Card will be eligible to access the program. Low-income homeowners with a Pensioner Concession Card, a Veterans Gold Card, and now a Health Care Card, can access 50 per cent rebates of up to $2,500 to install rooftop solar and energy efficient products.

“The Home Energy Support Program assists low-income homeowners to make upgrades that reduce energy bills and make their home more comfortable,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“Expanding eligibility to include health care card holders is an important change that will make this support available to more Canberrans to ease cost of living pressures – an especially important change when cost of living pressures are stressing many households.”

The public EV charging network will be expanded to achieve 180 public EV chargers by 2025 and support the transition to zero emissions vehicles.

“Canberrans are embracing the shift to electric vehicles, with now almost 5,000 electric vehicles on our roads,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“We will continue to support this transition by investing in more public charging stations to make charging more convenient and accessible. This investment builds on the delivery of the initial 50 chargers this year, and will help achieve our commitment of 180 chargers by 2025.”

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