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Friday, October 18, 2024

ACT Greens: Federal Budget ‘unsurprising and uninspiring’

Labour’s 2024 Federal Budget disappoints, the ACT Greens say: it has failed to deliver real cost of living support for those who are doing it tough, but delivered a $9.3 million surplus. 

“We are in a cost-of-living crisis, and this Federal Labor Government should be providing genuine, long-term support to the most vulnerable in our community, not buying submarines and propping up the fossil fuel industry,” said Leader of the ACT Greens, Shane Rattenbury.

“This Federal Budget is, at best, disappointing. Tonight’s budget adds to a tradition of a long line of budgets – both Labor and Liberal – which have left all the heavy lifting to the states and territories. 

“Canberrans elected Greens to the ACT Parliament because they wanted a truly progressive Government that looks after people and the planet. Tonight’s budget and last week’s ‘Future Gas Strategy’ make it clear that we’re in this alone. 

“Four kilometres down the road, Federal Labor pollies up on the hill are continuing to green light environmentally devastating coal and gas projects which set our federal economy up to rely on fossil fuels for the next three decades.

“They’re investing $342 billion in nuclear submarines, but not adequately investing in homes for people to live in. They’re delivering a $9.3 billion surplus, but not delivering meaningful rent relief to renters doing it tough in a brutal housing market. 

“They’re giving $50 billion in handouts to the fossil fuel industry, but refusing to do anything about the supermarket duopoly gouging Canberrans at the checkout. 

“In a cost-of-living crisis, this Federal Labor Government has failed to deliver any meaningful support for the people who are doing it tough. 

“Budgets are about priorities, and it is clear that this Federal Government has its priorities out of whack.”

Rebecca Vassarotti, Deputy Leader of the ACT Greens, said the budget failed Canberrans who have been calling for real action to fix the housing crisis.

“If you’re feeling let down by this budget – you’re not alone,” Ms Vassarotti said. “The entire country, including Canberra, is in crisis because of the massive cost of living, but Federal Labor cares more about delivering a budget surplus.

“Right now, thousands of Canberrans are struggling to pay the rent or mortgage and keep up with the rising cost of food. It’s not radical to think that everyone in this country should be able to afford a home and food to eat. 

“Canberrans are being hung out and left to dry by Federal Labor, with a pitiful amount committed towards building public housing for people on the housing waiting list or renters doing it tough in the exorbitant rental market. 

“Just last month, we saw that Canberra’s rental prices have reached a record-setting high, but Federal Labor has put no money towards freezing rents so that the average person can actually afford to live their life.

“Rents are a key driver of inflation and super profits, which is why limiting how much they can be increased by would massively help people with cost of living while also helping bring down inflation.

“Property speculators have flooded the rental market because Federal Labor refuses to scrap tax handouts like negative gearing and capital gains tax.

“An extra $1.30 a day for a quarter of renters will do nothing when Canberra has some of the highest rents in the country.

“Worse, while Federal Labor says that they’re increasing funding to homelessness, the ACT will actually receive less money to tackle homelessness in this budget than in the last one.

“We know that every single year the Federal Government abdicates its responsibility to be a partner in delivering affordable public housing, is another year they leave renters doing it tough in a market designed to price them out.”

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