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Thursday, December 19, 2024

ACT records 16 new COVID-19 cases as testing surges

The ACT has recorded 16 new COVID-19 cases in the 24 hours to 8pm last night as ACT Health announced a large increase in testing numbers.

Testing centres in the ACT processed almost 6,000 tests yesterday as people prepare to travel for the holidays. The demand at that level hasn’t been seen since the beginning of the outbreak in August.

The increase in testing saw 4,516 negative test results recorded in the past 24 hours.

The total number of cases since the start of the Canberra outbreak on 12 August is now 2,183.

Active cases in the ACT have nearly doubled in the last week, with the number now up to 124.

Half of the ACT’s active COVID-19 cases have been identified as the Omicron strain with Chief Health Officer Dr Kerryn Coleman expecting it to become the dominant variant in Canberra.

“We anticipate we will see an escalation in cases similar to that in NSW,” she said.

“The unexpected emergency at this time of Omicron is posing an increasing risk to our community, and it’s why we have made the decision to reintroduce mask wearing.”

Meanwhile, hospital numbers have remained the same with three people receiving treatment. None are in intensive care or requiring ventilation. No people in the ACT with the Omicron variant have been hospitalised.

The vaccination rate has increased slightly with 98.4 per cent of Canberra’s eligible population now ‘fully vaccinated’.

ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith reassured people Christmas celebrations could still go ahead.

But people should not attend if they’re unwell or are required to isolate.

The news comes as NSW recorded a new record of 3,057 new COVID-19 cases and two deaths. Newcastle remains a particular area of concern with 820 infections.

Victoria reported 1,245 new cases and six deaths.

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