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Friday, July 26, 2024

Blumers Lawyers profile: Amy Burr

Director, Amy Burr, has been at Blumers Personal Injury Lawyers almost from the beginning, working as a solicitor since 2001.

“I’ve seen us grow into the level of specialisation that only 22 years of experience can bring,” she says.

Amy first came to the capital from a small country town in 1995, when Canberra “really was a big country town”.

She first heard of Blumers while working as a solicitor at another small Canberra firm. Drawn in by the family firm environment, she found a safe and supportive home at Blumers where there is energy and innovation, as well as a sense of honouring traditions (where appropriate!). 

A natural manager, Amy acts fiercely on behalf of her clients, as well as a mentor for new lawyers. Six years ago, she was appointed as a new director of the firm by founders Mark & Noor Blumer, along with Phil Schubert.

“I hadn’t always necessarily dreamed of becoming ‘partner’ in that sort of traditional career path, but I was just so happy coming to work every day, it was a natural progression.

“My favourite part of the job is meeting new clients and learning what makes them tick, and seeing other solicitors go through that, seeing them develop and evolve, is equally rewarding,” says Amy.

Having always been passionate about community welfare, Amy studied Arts and Law at ANU.

“As a student, I didn’t know I wanted to be a lawyer, but I have found that the work we’re doing here is helping in society in a different way … I’m able to help the small end of town, as they say.”

Amy is one quarter of Blumers’ directorship dream team with Mark, Noor and Phil. She is able to assess problems with compassion, quickly and constructively, to have the hard conversations with clients and staff if necessary, and to run a tight ship when it comes to keeping clients informed, updated, and in control.

“We plan ahead for our clients; we look around the corner for problems on the horizon. We’re also looking ahead for our clients towards that ultimate resolution,” she says.

“I try to communicate on an open basis, and make sure people have all the information. We keep our clients updated so you’re in control of your claim every step of the way.”

Amy will also be there at the other side of the tunnel, keeping her clients informed when the most overwhelming part of their claim is over, and they are free to take the next steps in life.

“A lot of clients are in pain, whether that be physically or psychologically. We try to accommodate whatever is required so they can ultimately feel like they’ve achieved something out of this difficult process,” says Amy.

“Life often contains compromises; we aim to achieve a result that you can walk away happy with.”

Find Amy Burr at Level 12, 15 London Circuit, Canberra City.


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