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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Drones deliver democracy sausages for Palmerston P&C

Do you remember the Victorian man who was fined $9,000 for flying a drone to Bunnings to get a sausage? Well, turns out he may have been the Steve Jobs of the barbecue industry.

On ACT election day this Saturday 17 October, Canberra’s drone delivery service, Wing, will step up and drop off democracy sausages to Gungahlin residents, in a COVID-safe, non-large-gathering fashion.

Wing ACT city manager Madison Groom said many voters had pre-polled this year and some school parents & citizens associations had decided to adapt or cancel their fundraising barbecues, but Wing didn’t want Canberrans to miss out on the uniquely Australian election day tradition.    

“We’re teaming up with two of the local businesses delivering with Wing, ​The Spence Grocer ​and Kickstart Expresso​, so customers can order their democracy sausage on election day and have it delivered to their home by drone,” she said.

“Wing will match all democracy sausage sales made on Saturday with a dollar-for-dollar donation to the Palmerston District Primary School Parents & Citizens Association ​e-sausage online fundraiser​.”   

Palmerston District Primary School P&C cancelled their planned election day sausage sizzle this year due to COVID-19. The money would have gone towards the school’s playground spaces.

The school’s P&C association assistant secretary Kate Baron said while the barbecue ban has been lifted, they had already decided to move their fundraising online.   

“We were delighted when Wing got in touch to see if they could help with our virtual democracy sausage fundraiser and support our local school,” she said.

“Getting a democracy sausage delivered by drone is certainly a first, and we’re grateful for the support of the wider Gungahlin community. Our school fundraising initiatives are a way of bringing the broader community together, while raising needed funds for school projects.    

“This year we’ve had to cancel almost every school fundraiser because we can’t have groups of people gathering for community-building events such as our annual school fete, as the health and safety of everyone is our top priority.

“We’d normally raise about $3,000 from our election day sausage sizzle, which goes a long way towards funding important activities for our school.   

“While it’s disappointing we won’t be hosting our traditional democracy sausage sizzle fundraiser, we hope everyone gets behind our school community in a different way.”

You can make a donation to their virtual democracy sausage fundraiser at givenow.com.au/Palmerston​.

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