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Final decision on ACT school start date due next week

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr expects to make a final decision next week on whether the Territory’s public schools will go back as planned next month, following today’s National Cabinet meeting.

Mr Barr said the decision will be made based on the latest available health advice to give adequate time for families, students and teachers to prepare.

In a statement, Mr Barr said “the Government is currently engaged in planning with key stakeholders across the health, education and early childhood sectors. Schools and early childhood centres will have clear guidelines, and these will be published online”.

“We will see more cases as school returns and we will manage exposure risk based on the health advice,” he said.

Mr Barr said today’s National Cabinet meeting agenda included the epidemiology of the omicron wave, the vaccine rollout, health system capacity, rapid antigen testing, close contact furlough arrangements for essential workers, and the national back to school framework.

Case numbers

In terms of pandemic management, he said “the ACT’s broad public health objective continues to focus on reducing community transmission and disease through strong vaccination programs and public health measures such as mask mandates, density limits in venues,  and restrictions on high risk settings”.

“This is reducing pressure on our hospitals and protecting those most vulnerable,” he said.

Mr Barr said case numbers have continued to increase in the ACT but not at the levels seen in larger jurisdictions.

“Local modelling indicates that we are likely close to reaching a peak in cases and hospitalisations from this Omicron wave,” he said.

“Hospitalisations have increased in recent weeks, consistent with increasing case numbers in the community. Most of these cases have been admitted to general wards and the average length of stay for patients with the omicron variant has reduced to around two days. A small number of hospital admissions require ICU care.”

The Chief Minister said “recently introduced changes around patient cohorting will help the ACT’s public hospitals manage these patients, alongside our existing patient load”. 


The ACT is leading the nation on vaccinations, he said.  Almost 4,500 children aged five to 11 have been vaccinated in the ACT since Monday, the highest proportion of any jurisdiction in the nation. Vaccine supply into the ACT is currently steady and predictable. 

With Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) still in short supply, Mr Barr said the ACT’s testing system has been under significant strain for the past month; 64,893 PCR tests have been conducted between 1 and 12 January. 

He said that with supply increasing, the ACT Government will be able to make more RATs available for free in coming days. For example, tomorrow at the Kambah testing facility, RATs will be available in place of PCR Testing from 10am, PCR testing will resume next Monday. Priority for all testing sites is given to household close contacts, high risk exposures to positive cases and individuals with symptoms of COVID-19.

Essential workers

When it comes to essential workers, Mr Barr said the government is committed to keeping them safe.

“We are exploring how essential workers who are close contacts and not sick can return to work. This will be based on health advice and the obligations employers have under the ACT work health and safety framework,” he said.

“Access to Rapid Antigen Testing and appropriate personal protection equipment are a key consideration. We will work closely with unions and business groups to ensure exemptions work for employers and employees, with any arrangements to be voluntary.”

National Cabinet will meet again next Thursday.

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