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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fitness foundation: seven of the best exercises

With these seven exercises you can build a solid foundation for your health and fitness. Once you have mastered the technique, you can join them all together for a go-to workout wherever you are.  

You can make the workout as intense as you like by increasing the number of reps of each exercise and by shortening the rest time between them.

These are great for all ages, so you can even teach them to the kids as a family workout, and perfect for all fitness levels.

Push-ups: Lying on the ground, place your hands in line with your chest. Lift your core and knees off the ground. Lower down until your arms are at a 90° angle, then push back up off the ground.

Modified push-ups: Lying on the ground, place your hands in line with your chest. Lift your core up, leaving your knees on the ground. Lower down until your arms are at a 90° angle, then push back up.

Elbow sit-ups: Lie flat on your back with your feet close to your buttocks and elbows pushed into the ground. Lifting your chin off your chest, sit up using your elbows to help lift your body.

Plank: Lying flat on your tummy, place your elbows in line with your shoulders. Lift your hips and knees off the ground and hold!

Squats: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly facing out. Bend your knees until your thighs are at 90°. Make sure you keep your back straight (don’t lean forward).

Lunge walk: Step forward and bend your rear knee down to the ground – ensure it is in line with the front foot. Stand back up and step forward to repeat on the other leg – be careful not to over-stride.

Dips: Sitting on a bench, place your hands by your side (over grasp). Place your legs out to the front, knees lightly bent. Lift your weight onto your arms and lower body down until your upper arms are at 90°, and push back up.


  • Warm up: 5 mins jogging/walking
  • 30 secs each exercise, with 30 secs-1 min rest in between

To step it up

  • 1 min of each exercise with 30 secs rest

Take it to the next level

  • 1 min each exercise, no rest
  • 2 mins skipping
  • Repeat

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