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Horoscopes 8 – 14 February 2024

Patsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the week 8 – 14 February 2024.

ARIES | 21 Mar – 20 Apr

If developments seem to slow you down this is nevertheless a good time for planning and organising your finances and projects. This weekend’s new moon supermoon will also provide insight into your involvement with a group, friend or organisation.

TAURUS | 21 Apr – 21 May

It’s a good week to maintain a practical, down-to-earth approach to logistics, especially those concerning your career, general direction in life and status. Some Taureans will experience an intense or transformative development towards the 14th.

GEMINI | 22 May – 21 Jun

Your sign’s ruler Mercury’s entry into Aquarius will encourage you to make headway with legal, travel and study matters. Just be careful with communications to avoid mix-ups. St Valentine’s Day may bring a surprise or intense development your way.

CANCER | 22 Jun – 22 Jul

It’s a good week to be careful both with relationships and communications, especially if you have already experienced some disagreements. You may be tempted to rush into a relationship or arrangement but are better to consider your circumstances in detail first.

LEO | 23 Jul – 23 Aug

This will be a good week to invest in your relationships, and to re-imagine certain agreements. You may be surprised by a colleague’s or a partner’s news. A change of health circumstances or of routine will merit care and attention.

VIRGO | 24 Aug – 23 Sept

This may feel like an intense week, not least due to stress in communications and even unexpected developments. Someone close – and perhaps even you – may experience intense emotions or a transformation in circumstance. Be prepared to move into fresh territory.

LIBRA | 24 Sept – 23 Oct

A business or personal partner may surprise you this week and the more you can find ways to develop good communications, the better for you. A personal or domestic situation is likely to be fairly emotional or intense, so be prepared.

SCORPIO | 24 Oct – 22 Nov

St Valentine’s Day will be a significant turning point. For some, this will be due to developments at home, with family or property; for others regarding travel, communications or a business decision. Keep discussions clear this week for best results.

SAGITTARIUS | 23 Nov – 21 Dec

A change of pace or of place may be disruptive, but your efforts to boost your circumstances will be worthwhile. A surprising development and the opportunity to begin a fresh financial or personal chapter in your life will be rewarding long-term.

CAPRICORN | 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Developments in your personal life may be surprising. A degree of upheaval may be expected this week, but if you remain focussed on your aims and goals, you will attain them. Be prepared to see your finances in a new light.

AQUARIUS | 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Look out for a busy – or at least intense time, especially on St Valentine’s Day. First though, this weekend’s new moon will present the opportunity to turn a corner in your personal life; and at work or health-wise for mid-February-born Aquarians.

PISCES | 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Saturday’s new moon supermoon brings the chance to improve your work or health. Just be careful with communications and travel this weekend to avoid delays or misunderstandings. St Valentine’s Day may bring a degree of nostalgia or messages from the past.

Horoscopes for the week 1 – 7 February 2024 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

Check out the horoscopes from last week.

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