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Friday, October 25, 2024

Horoscopes: the start of 2024

Patsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the start of 2024.

ARIES | 21 Mar – 20 Apr

This will be a good week to work on the logistics of your plans for 2024 so you can attain your goals. There is an adventurous and outgoing mood to the week although you may need to tread carefully to avoid arguments.

TAURUS | 21 Apr – 21 May

You may find yourself in the role of peacemaker this week. Sunday will be a wonderful day for relaxation but you must be sure to be tactful to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. A wonderful opportunity may arise next week.

GEMINI | 22 May – 21 Jun

You’ll gain insight into how best to manage your shared duties and finances. It’s a good week to sharpen your communication and relationship skills so that collaborations proceed smoothly. You may hear good news from the past or from someone special.

CANCER | 22 Jun – 22 Jul

Collaboration is the key to happiness this week and you’ll also enjoy experiencing a little freedom and adventure. Just be sure to avoid delays and misunderstandings. You will enjoy an unexpected get-together or will receive key news next week.

LEO | 23 Jul – 23 Aug

This is a good week to consider how best to proceed this year especially with regard to your daily schedule involving work and health. You’ll appreciate the chance to spend time on favourite activities. You’ll also enjoy a change of pace.

VIRGO | 24 Aug – 23 Sept

There is a grounding feeling this week which you will appreciate, either at work or if you’re on holiday; you’ll enjoy investing in yourself and someone close. If you encounter a mystery early next week, be sure to investigate.

LIBRA | 24 Sept – 23 Oct

You’ll enjoy feeling you are in an adventurous phase in your life and it will be important to discuss your plans, especially concerning work and health. A surprise early next week could involve a lovely get-together or domestic improvement.

SCORPIO | 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Consider how you can best budget for the future – not only for this month, but for the entire year. Be sure to avoid gambling. Your advice or help may be requested. You’re in line for an ego or financial boost next week.

SAGITTARIUS | 23 Nov – 21 Dec

You love adventure, and if you are on holiday, you’ll certainly enjoy a sense of freedom. However, for some Sagittarians, it’s back to work and this is a good time to discuss long-term plans both at work and at home.

CAPRICORN | 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Your energy levels will improve and a change of pace or of place will contribute. In the lead-up to the new moon, this is an excellent time to develop practical and realistic ways to make your New Year’s resolutions stick.

AQUARIUS | 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Consider your priorities and how you could bring more of what you love into your life. This will be an excellent time to boost your sense of well-being and happiness. Nevertheless, you may feel nostalgic or engaged in the past.

PISCES | 20 Feb – 20 Mar

You’ll appreciate doing something a little different, such as taking a trip or simply focusing on your own happiness. Early next week you must plan ahead to avoid delays and be tactful to avoid arguments. You may receive unexpected news.

Horoscopes start of 2024 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

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