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Friday, July 26, 2024

It’s raining puppies and kittens at RSPCA ACT

The pitter-patter of little paws is filling up the rooms and corridors of RSPCA ACT as more and more puppies arrive at the shelter. While it is not unusual for there to be a jump in the number of puppies coming in during the warmer months, this summer, they took in 85 pups.

“This summer we’ve seen far more than usual. It is a timely reminder, in the cutest way possible, to desex your animals,” says Michelle Robertson, CEO of RSPCA ACT.

After an extra long kitten season, the increase in puppy numbers is really being felt by the animal welfare team. Ms Robertson says the financial cost, resources and time needed for puppies is quite significant.

“For example, 85 puppies require 170 vaccination procedures, 170 (or more) worming procedures and 85 desexing procedures.”

Along with the additional costs and resources, they need somewhere to house the puppies, and in some cases, the mothers. They are hoping to get more foster carers onboard to best help the puppies and have refined their canine foster care system which will be available online and launched in the coming weeks.

“Each day our staff and volunteers are committed to raising the puppies, making sure they are healthy and learning social skills, obedience and receiving constant training,” says Ms Robertson. “Having foster carers to do these things on our behalf in safe, comfortable homes will allow us to focus on the other animals in need and offer them care and support, while knowing the puppies are getting a terrific start to life.”

The team knows the Canberra community loves animals and are dedicated to helping spread the word of animals in need through social media and word of mouth. However, Ms Robertson says influxes like this are avoidable with better education around owning pets and the importance of desexing.

There is no denying that puppies are adorable with their little rolls, puppy breath and small clumsy bodies, but they are a LOT of work. As they are just babies, they need guidance and a helping hand with toilet and behaviour training and socialisation. You need to stay on top of vet work and ensure you have time to bond and play with your newest addition.

“It’s crucial that the eventual owners of young puppies are prepared to invest time and effort into their new pet’s future. This means planning and putting careful consideration into what will be involved in raising your pet and helping them become a healthy, well-behaved companion,” says Ms Robertson.

If you are unsure you can commit to the high needs of puppy parenting but want to add a furry friend to your life, RSPCA ACT can still help you. They have plenty of other dogs (and cats and more) who are past the puppy stage and looking for their furever homes.

“Adopting a young adult dog can be a lot easier and rewarding than taking on a puppy. Our adult dogs, some of whom are only 18 months or two years old, are already socialised, some are housetrained and used to people and other animals.”

For more information on how to foster or adopt a puppy, kitten or older pet, visit rspca-act.org.au

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