1.5 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Soak up the benefits

The days and nights are cooling down, which means it’s the perfect time to soak in a steaming hot bath and soak up the benefits – for your body and mind. Who said self-care had to be arduous?

If you really want to maximise the health benefits, considering adding at least some of the elements below.

Epsom salts

Epsom salts are high in magnesium, the mineral that helps relieve muscle spasms and tension. Magnesium is readily absorbed through the skin, so bathing in Epsom salts is a great way to replenish this key mineral that is depleted by stress and physical exertion. You’ll also be setting yourself up for a great night’s sleep.

Essential oils

Not only do they smell divine, essential oils can elevate the healing benefits of bathing. You only need six to eight drops to get the benefits. Try adding them whilst the bath is still filling up to help the oils disperse. For promoting relaxation and better sleep, consider lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang or rose.


If you really want to feel like royalty, adding flower petals to your bath is the way to go. If you can’t pick them from your garden, you can source dried versions that will still delight once added to water. Try fragrant rose petals, lavender, sweet jasmine or chamomile.


Nothing says ‘keep alert’ like bright lights, so light some candles instead and feel your mind and body start to wind down.


The right music is the icing on the cake for a healing bath. For something truly different, try a ‘sound bath’, a relaxation technique and meditative experience in its own right. Using different vibrational sounds produced from voice, singing bowls and other instruments to create a wave of sound that can be deeply relaxing. Try it for yourself!

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