21 C
Thursday, December 19, 2024

Latest news: Alicia Payne

The Voice is about recognition and consultation

When Australians go to the polls later this year, they will be asked to change the constitution to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Canberra mental health service moves to Civic

The new Civic site for mental health service Canberra Head to Health was officially opened by Emma McBride MP this week.

‘Go Local First’ where possible this summer

It’s been another massive year in the capital and I know Canberrans are looking forward to a well-earned break this Christmas season.

More support for vulnerable at Canberra’s Early Morning Centre

The Community Partnership Pilot, connecting people doing it tough to welfare, is being extended to Canberra’s Early Morning Centre.

Labor announces community battery rollout for ACT

The ACT will receive three of the first 58 community batteries, delivering solar power to locals, Labor politicians announced today.

Laptops donated to Canberra community organisations

The Synergy Group gave refurbished laptops to Hands Across Canberra and community organisations in Alicia Payne’s electorate of Canberra:

Alicia Payne: Proud to support territory rights

Sitting in the Senate chamber last Thursday listening to powerful speeches in support from across political lines, it felt like the weight of history was on our side.

New facilities at St Joseph’s Primary School

Alicia Payne MP opened new and refurbished classrooms at St Joseph’s Primary School, O’Connor, built with Commonwealth funding.

Multiple sclerosis foundation opens chapter in ACT

The Canberra chapter of the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation, launched last week, offers new hope to people with MS.

Alicia Payne: Getting our nation back on track

I’m proud that there is a lot in the Budget for our Nation’s Capital – investing in its people, our environment, infrastructure, and the public service which serves all Australians.

Good work at the Good Works Garden growing veggies for Canberrans

The Good Works Garden in Fyshwick is now growing an array of colourful and fresh produce for Vinnies Blue Door to transform into nutritious meals for Canberrans who need it the most.

Young Canberrans can Raise their Voices in parliament

Canberrans under 21 can have their views on politics and current affairs read out by local politicians in Federal Parliament next month.

National Institutions play key role in Australian life

Earlier this month I was thrilled to join in a very special celebration at the National Museum of Australia marking the opening of two new galleries.

Housing minister wants to eliminate homelessness in the ACT

Homelessness must be brief, rare, and non-recurring – where everyone can access the support they need, Minister Rebecca Vassarotti believes.

Multi-pronged policy response to homelessness

Homelessness is raised with me frequently as a local representative by a number of different people or groups in Canberra, writes Alicia Payne.

Contract for light rail vehicles awarded

Canberra Metro has been awarded a major government contract for five light rail vehicles and an expanded depot.


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