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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Latest news: Voice

ANU: 87% back Indigenous input, despite failure of Voice

An ANU survey suggests that scepticism of the government's proposed model, rather than racism, was the why the Voice referendum failed.

Australia votes ‘no’ to voice in the constitution

Australians have rejected a proposal to enshrine an Indigenous voice to parliament in the constitution, with the ACT being the only jurisdiction to support the reform.

Voters resolute, respectful at voice referendum booths

Australians' voting in the voice referendum has gone relatively smoothly, with many resolute in their intention to write 'yes' or 'no' before they came through polling booths' gates.

Australians head to polls in historic voice referendum

Voting in the voice referendum took place at more than 7000 polling sites and began as the latest Newspoll showed the voice proposal was set to fail.

Voice voters warned to reconsider campaign material in booths

Voters have been warned to reconsider wearing campaign T-shirts and badges when casting their ballot in the Indigenous voice referendum.

The Voice: A change for the better – David Smith

I’m privileged to represent the seat of Bean, an electorate with boundaries that begin within 10 kilometres of Parliament House, but an electorate whose history extends back thousands of years. It includes...

Whose Voices will be heard on 14 October?

One of the most significant drivers of wider community support for the Voice referendum is the belief that both the Uluru statement from the heart and the Voice are overwhelmingly supported by 80 per cent of Australia’s First Nations Peoples. Does this figure stack up? Bernie Ryan investigates.

Views on the Voice: Shane Rattenbury

The ACT Greens support the Voice to Parliament. ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury explains why he is voting Yes.

Neo-nazis and extremists a concern ahead of voice vote

Far-right extremism, neo-Nazis and racist hatred have become a growing concern as the Indigenous voice referendum looms.

Support for voice grows for first time in months

Support for the 'yes' vote is up two percentage points but the shift isn't big enough to win the Indigenous voice referendum, but many people remain undecided.

Views on the Voice: Professor Asmi Wood

Professor Asmi Wood (ANU), a member of the Federal Government’s Constitutional Expert Group on the Voice, discusses the proposed legislation.

Early voting gets under way for voice referendum

Early voting is opening to determine whether an Indigenous voice will be enshrined in the constitution to advise federal parliament.

Indigenous leaders divided on the impact of the voice

Proponents of the 'no' and 'yes' campaigns have spoken at the National Press Club on enshrining an Indigenous voice to parliament in the constitution.

Views on the Voice: David Pocock, Jeremy Hanson, Katy Gallagher

Independent Senator David Pocock, Canberra Liberals MLA Jeremy Hanson, and Labor Senator Katy Gallagher share their views on the Voice.

Where neighbours’ stance on voice is black and white

Two neighbouring households have used placards and paint to produce a striking metaphor of the opposing views on an Indigenous voice to parliament.

Senator’s bid for cross to count as ‘no’ vote for voice dismissed

The Federal Court has rejected an application to have referendum votes marked with an 'X' count as 'no' votes in the upcoming ballot on an Indigenous voice.


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