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Friday, December 20, 2024

To the editor: Clearly partisan

In his latest column (CW 9 December 2021 p10), Bill Stefaniak appears to allow his cynical partisan view of the world to dominate his thinking. His attempt to illustrate his view with one extreme example is nothing less than a cynical attempt at manipulation, and he seems to believe the ACT should not follow international best practice for the age of criminal responsibility.

Perhaps his fear of the potential voting pattern of 16-17-year-olds is driven by the knowledge that conservative politicians have so frequently looked after their own current interests at the expense of future generations, and in doing so have failed to meaningfully address issues like global heating, access to education, etc., that will have so much more impact on them than his, or even my, generation.

This clearly partisan column should have no place in the Canberra Daily.

  • R. Jones, Duffy ACT

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