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Friday, December 20, 2024

To the editor: What are Greens trying to do?

Re: Green ‘gerrymander’ set to trash ACT electoral system (CW 9 December 2021 p10) by Bill Stefaniak.

I think it is time for Bill to go back into politics. A man with so much intelligence and fight is wasted in not fighting for the people of Canberra.

It is of great concern that the teachers are indoctrinating the children to vote Green. The teachers are there to educate the children in things like literacy, numeracy, history (God forbid) and geography, etc. It is not their job to teach them politics especially if it is indoctrination. There is another issue not mentioned by Bill, but equally important in this issue with the Greens. The Greens want to increase the age of criminal offences because, the Greens say, the children do not know any better below 14. Meanwhile, they want to bring in voting age down to 16. Given children below 10 are allowed to change their gender without their parent’s consent, if they do not know when they are committing a crime then how can they know that they want to change gender? Before too long, the Greens will want to change the age to vote down to 10.

The Greens are either very confused and should not be in Parliament or are trying to destroy the country. Which is it?

  • V. Evans, Macgregor ACT

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