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Friday, September 6, 2024

Mediterranean diet linked to decrease in anxiety and stress

There are plenty of studies and varying forms of evidence that show the Mediterranean diet is good for your physical health. It is recommended to reduce the risk of bowel cancer, heart disease and dementia. Now, research from the University of South Australia has found that it can improve mental health too by reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety in older Australians.

The study, conducted in partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast, saw research assess the impact of the Mediterranean diet on mental health among 294 Australians aged 60+. The findings showed that it helped reduce the severity of anxiety and stress independent of age, gender, sleep and BMI.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, seeds, nuts, legumes and olive oil, with fish and seafood incorporated at least twice a week. Dairy and lean proteins can be eaten in smaller portions each day, while infrequent consumption of red meat and processed foods are encouraged.

Researchers found that specific elements of the diet, specifically fruits, nuts, legumes and a low consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks reduced the severity of anxiety and stress.

Impacting more than 301 million people globally, anxiety is noted as the most common mental health disorder. In Australia, one in four people is expected to experience anxiety during their lifetime.

UniSA researcher and dietician Dr Evangeline Mantzioris says that the Mediterranean diet can significantly improve quality of life and mental health.

“Globally, we’re facing an unprecedented ageing population, yet despite this longevity, many people continue to struggle with their health and wellbeing,” says Dr Mantzioris.

“Lifestyle behaviours including diet quality, are gaining more attention as modifiable risk factors for poor mental health, with the Mediterranean diet endorsed for reducing chronic disease risk and supporting healthy ageing.”

Throughout the course of the study, Dr Mantzioris says they saw when older people adhered to the diet, their stress and anxiety declined. They found that the age of participant, gender, quality and duration of sleep, amount of exercise and their BMI made no difference to the results.

“It’s a big tick for the Mediterranean diet – through a relatively easy lifestyle change, people can markedly improve their stress and anxiety levels – who wouldn’t want to give it a go.”

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