Firstly, by way of correction, last week I referred to a Liam Cotter. Liam is actually a living descendant of the original Mr Cotter, Garrett, who was Onyong’s mate.
Congratulations to the Ukrainian Army for its liberation of Kherson last week. It was wonderful to see the emotional scenes of local Kherson citizens welcoming their army’s triumphant return. There is a lot of work now to do clearing mines and booby traps left behind by Putin’s retreating army.
Canberrans are helping here. Every Saturday, there is a demonstration of local supporters of Ukraine outside the Russian embassy in Griffith. I go along every few weeks, and this past week I was delighted to hear that Nathan Burraston (a Canberra bloke who has no Ukrainian heritage, but who just wants to do his bit to help) has, with his helpers, so far raised more than $73,000 locally to buy and send mine detectors, portable beds/stretchers, and sleeping bags to Ukraine. Nathan does this all off his own bat, and sends the supplies to Amberley, Queensland, where they are transported on RAAF and other flights to Poland for distribution into Ukraine.
Next Saturday after the demo, there is a talk on Ukraine by a visiting expert at 12 noon over the road at the Kingston Hotel, which has proudly flown the Ukrainian flag from its flagpole since the conflict started. Nathan and co will collect funds at that event.
The country supplying the greatest number of arms to help Ukraine is the US, which has just held its mid-term elections to elect its House of Representatives, Senate, state governors, and local elected officials. The Democrats, despite all sorts of problems facing the US, did surprisingly well.
I put it down in no small part to former President Trump. He promoted dud candidates, and his divisive, narcissistic messaging detracted from what should have been a big win for the Republicans. Whilst I think he did some good things as President for the US economy and made the US energy-sufficient, Trump was an isolationist who seemed to like dictators, and did some incredibly stupid things.
The Republicans need to ditch Trump. If they do, and if they pick up-and-coming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who secured a thumping re-election vote, having run a highly competent state government, and who is not an isolationist, they should romp home in the Presidential elections in 2024. The world needs a strong America.
Finally, to Victoria, and it looks like Dan Andrews and his government will probably be returned, despite the worst record of any Australian government during Covid and all sorts of scandals besetting it. One thing I found strange and disturbing was that the Victorian Liberals preferenced the Greens over Labor. The Greens will never support the Coalition. It’s not in their DNA. In my view, the Victorian Liberals would have been wise to put the Greens last, as a Green/Labor Victorian government may be even worse than the current one.
Editor’s note: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Daily.
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