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Future of AIS will be debated in ACT Assembly

Both the Canberra Liberals and the ACT Government are concerned by the Federal Government’s proposal to move the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) from Canberra to Queensland, and will introduce motions into the Legislative Assembly today calling for it to stay in Canberra.

Canberra Liberals Leader Elizabeth Lee will today call on all members of the Legislative Assembly to affirm their support and commitment that the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) remain in Canberra.

The motion also calls on the Assembly to condemn the Albanese Government for creating uncertainty by commissioning a review to look into moving the AIS out of Canberra, despite the Australian Sports Commission already knocking back the proposal.

Ms Lee said the rightful home of the AIS is in the nation’s capital.

“The AIS benefits the ACT greatly through facilities, employment, tourism, major events, and élite sports pathways for Canberrans and remains an important part of our city,” Ms Lee said.

“It is incredibly disappointing to see the Federal Labor Government recently announce a review which will look into the proposal to relocate the AIS to Queensland.

“As an institution of national significance, the AIS must remain in the ACT, and it is incumbent on all MLAs to affirm their support and tell the Albanese Government that as an Assembly we do not condone any move or discussion to move the AIS from Canberra.

“Following the 2022 federal election, [Chief Minister] Andrew Barr and his colleagues were adamant the ACT would receive a better deal under a federal Labor government. Not only has that not transpired, but it is now considering moving a national institution out of the ACT.”

Ms Lee said documents released under freedom of information show that relocating the AIS would cost more than $1 billion, take more than four years, and pose substantial risk to the organisation and athlete preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth, Olympic, and Paralympic Games.

“There appears to be very little benefit of moving the AIS out of Canberra that will also come at a significant cost for taxpayers, so it is disappointing to see this proposal even being considered, particularly after it was already rejected by the Australian Sports Commission.

“The Canberra Liberals do not condone the Albanese government contemplating moving the AIS out of Canberra, and all Labor and Greens members should condemn this move that is creating uncertainty for Canberra, our athletes, and the nation,” Ms Lee concluded.

Michael Pettersson

ACT Labor MLA Michael Pettersson will also move today for the ACT Government to ensure the Federal Government clearly understands the benefits to Australian sport and the ACT community of the facility remaining in the ACT.

“The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) is an important facility not only for elite Australian athletes but also the Canberra community,” he argues. “The ACT Academy of Sport is co-located on the AIS campus, which benefits and supplements the Academy’s work to support local elite and aspiring athletes.

“The Federal Government has recently announced a review of the AIS, which includes an assessment of its current and future location options. A 2018 masterplan commissioned by the Commonwealth found that the best option for the AIS was to keep it in the ACT; it would cost more than $1 billion to relocate the AIS campus to Queensland; and it would cost approximately $200 million to refurbish the AIS Bruce campus.

“In June 2023, the ACT Government and the Australian Sports Commission signed a memorandum of understanding that included the consideration of a new stadium and discussion about development on the AIS site.

“Both the ACT Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister [Yvette Berry] have long advocated for increased funding for the AIS campus, particularly since the previous Federal Coalition Government failed to provide enough maintenance funding which resulted in the closure of the AIS health and fitness centre in 2021 and the AIS Arena in 2020. The closure of the AIS Arena in 2020 had a significant impact on elite women’s sport in the ACT.”

Senator David Pocock

Independent Senator David Pocock has also said that the Albanese Government must rule out relocating the Australian Institute of Sport.

Last month, Senator Pocock said the Albanese Government should not contemplate the potential relocation of the AIS, but must commit to keeping the AIS in the nation’s capital.

“It’s disappointing that while the Government has a joint standing committee holding an inquiry into fostering and promoting the significance of Australia’s National Capital they’re also considering moving a key national institution like the AIS away from Canberra,” Senator Pocock said. 

“Why do Canberrans get taken for granted? The previous Coalition government allowed the AIS arena to close due to lack of investment and now the Labor government has opened the possibility of moving the AIS away from Canberra altogether. Will they review the location of the Mint and Library next? 

“These are national institutions and just like the AIS, they should remain in Canberra. 

“The Australian Institute of Sport has been a global leader in fostering sports excellence. 

“For decades it was the envy of the world, and a template for them to follow, supporting thousands of athletes to compete at the elite level. We need to ensure we continue to invest in the AIS to support Australian sports and athletes.

“Clearly more investment is needed to upgrade ageing facilities but we also need to recognise the solid bones that still exist. 

“As ASC CEO Kieran Perkins OAM has quipped, while the 1980s rang asking for the curtains in the athlete’s dorm rooms back, the Olympic Pool is as good today as the day it was built, and he would know!

“Upgrades would deliver much better value for taxpayers and also be less disruptive for athletes.”

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