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Horoscopes: 18 – 24 November 2021

Pattsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the week 18 – 24 November 2021. This week’s celebrity birthday is Shane Gould.

Celebrity birthday: Shane Elizabeth Gould

23 November 1956

Fitness is a main attribute of triple Olympic swimming gold medalist Shane Gould, and sticking with a strict training routine will be on her mind now as much as ever. She will also be drawn to study and prospectively teaching or coaching as she embraces her excellent communication skills and expertise and presents a new aspect of herself. The draw to water will remain strong, and learning more about the therapeutic qualities of water may appeal.


This weekend it’s a good idea to plan travel carefully to avoid delays. You must be prepared to collaborate and co-operate with people to avoid arguments. The Sun in Sagittarius from Monday will provide a more upbeat and outgoing phase for you. Travel and generally broadening your horizons will appeal.


Friday’s partial lunar eclipse in Taurus represents a new chapter so be prepared to consider a fresh path. Communications will be important now and you must work towards your goals, but must avoid putting the cart before the horse. Take your time; there is a season for everything. Luckily, the current season favours the bold.


A great deal of focus will be going towards your personal and business partnerships. It’s time to brush up your communication skills, especially on Sunday. Ensure you’re happy with the general terms if you’re making long-range decisions. Be willing to co-operate with others and use your considerable communication skills to negotiate.


Make long-term plans, and be certain to focus on their true viability and not just on expectations. This is a healing phase in which your relationships will prove to be therapeutic. Someone close is likely to influence where you take things now. It’s a good time to develop creative, artistic, musical, written and publishing ideas.


Friday’s partial lunar eclipse signals it’s time to turn a corner in your professional life and with a favourite activity. It’s an excellent time to focus on your family and those you love, as you will experience healing as an outcome but this weekend, you must tread softly with someone you share space or domestic arrangements with.


Friday’s lunar eclipse will resonate deeply, especially regarding decisions about the way you share resources such as space at home, duties or finances. This weekend tread carefully with someone who is a part of your daily routine. Take a moment to boost your health; you’ll be glad you did as you’ll feel revitalised.


Someone unpredictable will behave true to form, and Friday’s lunar eclipse will spotlight an unusual solution. This week is super-healing and therapeutic so find ways to boost your health. September-born Librans may find some relationships undergo change. Take a moment this weekend to deepen relationships, especially with family.


Be prepared to look at your domestic life in a new light. This weekend’s intense Scorpio stars will bring your passionate side out and you’ll enjoy music, dance and romance. There will be a strong focus on health and so healing is possible. You may need to give up some of your plans to be supportive of someone close.


The sun in Sagittarius from Monday will prepare you for considerable change. If you have not yet done any groundwork or research about your new ideas and ventures, it’s important you do more research now. This weekend you’ll enjoy a change of place or of pace but must plan ahead to avoid delays and misunderstandings.


Friday’s lunar eclipse points to a fresh chapter in your personal life. You’ll enjoy the option to investigate new domestic investments. You will appreciate the opportunity to get together with favourite people this weekend. You may encounter a sudden change of plan or will need to factor in someone’s activities and must avoid arguments.


Careful planning will lead you towards success now, so avoid gambling on your future. You will enjoy a reunion or a return to an old haunt this weekend. You may experience an unexpected or out of the ordinary development at home or with family. Expect news regarding work towards the end of next week.


Don’t be surprised if a revelation arises towards Friday’s lunar eclipse. If you are travelling this weekend, there are likely to be delays so ensure you give yourself plenty of time. You will gain the opportunity to focus on favourite past times and activities, many of which you will find therapeutic.

Horoscopes 18 – 24 November 2021 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

Check out the horoscopes from last week.

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