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Australia ‘outraged’ over aid worker Zomi Frankcom being killed in Gaza

Australia is “outraged” over the killing of aid worker Zomi Frankcom by an Israeli air strike and is demanding a transparent inquiry, Foreign Minister Penny Wong says.

Ms Frankcom, who has been remembered as a selfless and outstanding person, was among seven World Central Kitchen charity workers killed in Gaza while delivering food to Palestinians.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has requested to speak directly with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu over the death.

Mr Netanyahu said the Israeli military had carried out the “unintended strike” on innocent people.

“Unfortunately in the past day there was a tragic event in which our forces unintentionally harmed non-combatants in the Gaza Strip,” Mr Netanyahu said in a video statement released overnight.

“This happens in war. We are conducting a thorough inquiry and are in contact with the governments.

“We will do everything to prevent a recurrence.”

The foreign affairs department called in Israel’s ambassador in Australia Amir Maimon.

As relations between the two nations sunk to a new low, Senator Wong said she told her Israeli counterpart on Tuesday night Australians were “outraged” by Ms Frankcom’s death.

“I made clear that we believe the death of any aid worker is unacceptable, and frankly, outrageous, she told Nine’s Today on Wednesday.

“I made clear we expect a full, thorough transparent inquiry and explanation and we expect full accountability.”

The foreign minister said the government would not “back away” from its strong advocacy for accountability.

Senator Wong said the prime minister had spoken with Ms Frankcom’s family, and she intended to do the same.

Mr Albanese earlier described the deaths as “completely unacceptable” and said his government wanted answers.

“This is a tragedy that should never have occurred,” he told reporters in Queensland.

The Australian Palestine Advocacy Network said the deaths of humanitarian workers were not just a tragedy, but a crime.

They urged the government to expel the Israeli ambassador and impose sanctions on Tel Aviv.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a post on X, he sent his condolences to the countries and families of the aid workers killed in Gaza.

Ms Frankcom’s family said they were reeling from the shock.

“She was a kind, selfless and outstanding human being that has travelled the world helping others in their time of need,” they said in a statement.

“She will leave behind a legacy of compassion, bravery and love for all those in her orbit.”

Shattered friends began paying tribute to the slain aid worker who “risked her life many times to help those in dire need”.

World Central Kitchen chief executive Erin Gore described the “unforgivable” attack as one against all humanitarian organisations where food was being used as a “weapon of war”.

The charity paused its operations in Gaza as a result of the deaths.

By Tess Ikonomou in Canberra

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