I am writing in relation to the article titled ‘Nutritionist debunks vegan myths’ (CW, 2 February 2022, page 21) based on the “views” of Nina.
I trained as a food technologist and graduated back in April 1981 from UNSW after taking six years to do a four-year course (1975-1980). My areas of specialisation were edible fats and oils (via my final year project) and food microbiology via course work. We did two hours a week for one semester on nutrition so I confess that this is not an area in which I have much, if any, experience.
However, I note that in the article there were only three myths debunked. I note that there was no mention of animal-based/sourced vitamins, such as the animal derived B-group vitamins. So where do vegans get their B-group vitamins from?
I’m a proud omnivore but my youngest sister and her husband (and their two dogs, I think) are vegan. In a discussion with her, particularly about her source of animal-based vitamins, I asked her whether she had regular blood tests to ensure that the levels of these vitamins were keeping in the ideal or “normal” range and she assured me that she does and that they were.
So, may I ask why there was no mention of vitamins in the article? I have checked Nina’s website and firstly, it doesn’t say “where” she gained her qualification which for me is a red light anyhow. Also, I could find nothing on her site about vitamins.
- P. Myers BSc (UNSW), Karabar NSW
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