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Saturday, July 27, 2024

WWTA: Eat more colour for glowing skin

It’s the age-old question of health and wellbeing: When will I see results? We ask it at the gym, in our kitchens, and about our skincare. Life-Space Probiotics + Skin has the answer to the latter at least: If you’re cutting back on greasy food to improve your complexion, give it up to six months to work. 

This may seem like way too long, but as everything starts in the gut, its not just your skin that will benefit from the following tips and tricks, it’s your physical and mental health too.

Sugar and simple carbohydrates can trip you up. Foods that are heavy in sugar and carbs feed a very different range of bacteria compared to a diet high in fibre and resistant starch.

Skin-wise, too much sugar and simple carbohydrates can alter your immune response, leaving you with inflammation and disruption to the skin.

Nurture your gut with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans, creating a balanced environment signaling to the immune system that all is well.                   

The more colourful the fruit and veg the better. Colourful natural foods are rich in antioxidants, which are heavyweights in gut support.

Getting enough antioxidants in your diet is part of what helps combat damage caused by well-known aggressors, like UV light, air pollution, and environmental toxins – so colour is a win-win for your skin.               

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, and miso are rich in beneficial bacteria that simultaneously promote gut health and compete with some of the harmful bacteria found in the gut.

Getting plenty of omega 3 is important too – embrace oily fish like salmon and sardines that have the capacity to limit inflammation and improve overall skin appearance. For vegetarians, flax seeds are a rich source of omega 3 that you can add to your morning yoghurt or smoothie. 

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